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28 September 2017
Art View House is recognized as the best luxury residential development in St. Petersburg
At a ceremony in Marble Palace of the Russian Museum the editor-in-chief of the leading business publication "Delovoy Peterburg" Maxim Vasyukov has awarded the diploma to the Project Manager of Club Residence Art View House – Denis Kazberov.
The Club Residence Art View House which is being constructed by Okhta Group company has been recognized as the best luxury residential development according to “Delovoy Peterburg” newspaper. D. Kazberov has thanked the judges committee for the fact that they have expressed a preference for Art View House. "At the very beginning of the construction, we understood that only houses with a limited number of apartments located in the city centre can be considered as luxury. However if earlier only "Golden Triangle” was considered as “premium location” , then today we can see that historically developed borders of high-end center move further on. Now it is nearly the only newly constructed residential housing in the downtown added the Project Manager. "We have tried to consider all the details which are typical for genuine high-end projects, and are very proud that it has been appreciated by honored experts, – Denis Kazberov has added.